Sex and Shame

Sex and Shame

Why is sex something we whisper about? Why is it something that most people only share with a committed partner?

I was raised in Catholic family. Even as a small child, going to Catholic school and Sunday school, I never believed in the rules that were given to me. For some reason, I thought “oh they don't really mean that… I wont go to hell for having sex before marriage” But even as I type those words, my yoni reacts. She’s angry that I was told that.

We are a village

We are a village

One of my deepest desires used to be to be a mother.

I began to feel a lot of fear around this not happening for me when I got into my mid thirties. One of my friends told me that the universe does not put conditions on our desires, it does not say, “you can not be a mother until you have a husband”.

When I dug deeper into this desires I saw a desire to love and nurture something, and also to feel life with in womb. At the time I was reading tarot cards for a living and had not discovered the Jade Egg practices.