Discover your inner magic

Join me and women all over the world who are opening themselves to a magnetic power they never knew they had!


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Embody your feminine essence

Do you feel disconnected from yourself or numb? Have you been wondering if their is more to be experienced in life? Join me on this journey into the sacred feminine in my online women's circle!


Unlock the mysteries of Ancient holy women

The jade egg is a powerful tool with origins in ancient China. Now as a modern women you can use it to explore your inner feminine world and strengthen the power and beauty already within you.

I am reaching out to report that I am soaking in the teachings, guidance and lush wisdom of your course and your incredible devotion to the feminine and spectacular skill in offering all your work and calling to us in a way which so completely breaks through all the walls built through countless years and ages.

Ann Marie, your work and offering to us is profoundly penetrating to the core of the sacred girl in each of us. I am astounded by the changes in every area of my life and my daughter and friend (three friends who took did the journey ) well as.

I find myself at peace in a way I’ve not ever known in the everyday and particularly because I am very pressed by life’s temptation to stress right now...well there hasn’t been any uptaket to the invite! I am beyond grateful. I listen to my yoni now daily and what a wonder she is! I feel so intrinsically guided after doing the wisdom exercise. So strong this connection and I realise that my natural state was always to listen but her voice puts others who aren’t in touch with their connection to their true sacred selves into a state of threat, for this reason, I can see I tried to temper my inner yoni wisdom to make other comfy and in the process, betrayed myself in subtle but compounding ways.

My Yoni and your tender fierce guidance have made it so that everything I do to create my space is sacred. I feel sacred. Truly love, I’ve never experienced anything like this work.

I am on my knees, smiling, tears rolling down my cheeks in awe of what you are channelling, what you’ve lived. I wish this were taught to every teenage woman in the whole world!

— Kelly